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Heaven Can't Wait

I've been seeing this older man and he's a lot of fun though he has a real serious side. He's quite learned and articulate and he is not only passionate in the bedroom but also in his contemplations on the meaning of life. I learned early on in our relationship that he has quite deep religious convictions and he firmly believes that we all have a path marked out for us. His views are quite orthodox I guess and whilst he is happy to discuss them I don't think he will ever question the tenets of his faith.

I'm not particularly religious though I do have a spritual side, like most people I imagine. I suppose I am a deist at heart (someone who believes there is a higher power) as after all there must be a purpose to our existence right? And there are times in my life such as when I am overcome with emotion at some spectacular sunset, a night sky or even a sizzling orgasm that I have to believe that we are here for a reason. It's just all so huge and complex and amazing and... I'm sure you know what I mean?

A straw poll of the escorts I encountered in the office the other day revealed no surprises. Most of the girls said they were spiritual if not religious. One girl said she didn't believe in fairies – no need to be a bitch dear! - and a few said they were convinced by their own 'brand' of theology. I guess this probably mirrors society in general. It's quite easy to reconcile these positions of course, especially when we are talking about escorts, sexy, hot girls who like nothing more than to bring hot joy into people's lives! If your calling in life is to make others happy then you must naturally have some idea of a higher calling, some presence.

I did date a Rastafarian guy once and we had some mind altering and mind blowing experiences I can tell you, though it didn't last. The next guy I dated was an atheist and a big fan of an evolutionary biologist called Richard Dawkins – I like to joke that I went from Rastafarian to Pastafarian almost overnight! And if you are wondering, Pastafarianism is a recognized religion in a whole host of countries including the Netherlands!

What does any of this have to do with my new man? Well, his conviction is so very convincing! He speaks eloquently about nature, meaning, purpose and the peace to be found in knowing that there is someone (something?) that takes a profound and intimate interest in you as a human being. Who cares for you and wants only the very best for you. When you put it like that it does seem to make a lot of sense.

Pleasure, passion, desire... all of these earthly delights are cherished by me. I am never more alive than when I am being physical, loving and being loved. My older man gives me that and adds a spiritual dimension to boot. Life's good. Have I suddenly converted to some defined faith? Of course not, I am what I am and what I am is a fun loving girl. But now that I am experiencing more of a feel for the spiritual side of things I can honestly say I feel more in tune with the universe and my earthly pleasures have intensified, become more profound and sex more mind blowing!

Whatever your views, beliefs or passions, this Chelmsford escort says go in peace and make love not war!

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