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Breakfast with a pretty woman

Chatting to some of the girls the other night about favourite films we found ourselves discussing the presentation of escorts on celluloid. There are quite a few instances of escorts in the movies despite mainstream media's reluctance to go over to the 'dark side', LOL.

The most famous example of the genre is probably Pretty Woman starring Richard Gere and Juliet Roberts. Ms Roberts plays the escort in question, a kind hearted, intelligent, beautiful and sexy twenty something who pays the bills by meeting men for sex. This isn't the usual stuff of romantic fare you might think but Julia Roberts truly impresses in her screen debut and quickly wins over even the hardest of the cold hearted. The film is emotional, sexy and ever so romantic. It plays a clever game, quickly casting a shiny veneer over the escort elements of the plot by dressing its star in the very finest of designer garb and having her wined, dined and whisked off her feet by the dashing, handsome and extremely rich Richard Gere.

A lesser known variant on the theme of escorts played by movie stars would be Breakfast at Tiffany's which stars Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly. Her name is the first indicator of her fun loving, carefree attitude to life. Read any film review and the character will be described as a socialite. Read Truman Capote's book and you get the real idea: Ms Golightly is a high class hooker. Set in Rome, the film oozes sophistication, sex appeal and of course with the elfin beauty Hepburn at its core it is a class act. A must see for lovers of beautiful settings and beautiful women.

Deadpool is a clever, knowing take on the super hero genre. The main character is a kick ass, quick witted and deadly anti-hero with an eye for a sexy girl as much as a sassy turn of phrase. When he meets his live in lover to be there is an elaborate conversation on just how much it would cost him to have her warm his bed-covers. The hot female is provocative, saucy, ever so naughty ad as it turns out ever so accommodating. The sex scenes are also well worth a watch I must say. You could argue that this is just word play and the girl isn't really an escort but her garb, her job and her attitude to sex says it all.

One of my favourite classic comedies is Trading Places starring Eddie Murphy and Dan Ackroyd. The film is about a life swap – successful city trader Ackroyd finds himself out of a job and replaced by fast talking street beggar Murphy as part of a bet between Ackroyd's bosses. Can street smarts match fraternity boy confidence. Well, as it happens, yes is the answer and Ackroyd finds his life spiralling down into the gutter where he is rescued by a friendly, hot, horny escort played by Jamie Lee Curtis.

Jamie Lee Curtis is the daughter of Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh and she inherited her mother's good looks and sex appeal and her father's chiselled bone structure and sassy confidence. She makes the most of her part as the hooker with a heart and there is the added bonus for lovers of the female form in that she wears some very sexy outfits as well as going topless part way through the film. She uses her escort confidence late on to help develop the plot when she poses as an Austrian backpacker complete with pony tails and god help me but it is true extra erotic leiderhosen, if that is possible!

But escorts on screen can't match escorts in the flesh – give us a call.

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